Thursday, February 27, 2014

How fortunate I am to have kind friends, and poet, scriptwriter, and ex-ECU student, Frances Macauley Forde has taken the time to edit a video she took at Edith Cowan University in 2009 of my reading to students.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 Published to Public @ The Subiaco Library

Reading soon on Monday 10th March at the Subiaco Library. I'm joined by Sarah Evans, Vivienne Glance, Marguerite Henshaw, Josette Van Der Burg, Peter Sellick, Danielle Weile, Glennys Marsdon, local WA authors. The best part of the evening is you get to talk to the residents of Subiaco who are invited for wine & nibbles.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Birthday Card(s)
                   For Erika & Brian

It's not hard to say, that when a birthday card
stands side by side with others on a shelf
in your daughter-in-law's home, that the one
chosen by her father for her fortieth
is by far the largest, and looms over the rest
like a prominent mountain range.

It's not hard also to say that wherever
it stands, brazened with the force of words
like 'Amazing Woman' and 'she's faster
than a speeding taxi!' that those involved
in the giving and receiving will look long
into that ecstatic thrust of celebration.

What of birthday cards from other years?
Are they now in the corridors of the past
muttering amongst themselves in drawers
of pens, photos, ribbons and paper?
Are they ready to face a new arrival;
that 'amazing' super-hero with the look
of a multi-tasker?

In case anyone wants to know, the card
symbolises the present as it arrives
slowly in the night. Each year a new task,
each year the folding of towels, tortillas
for the mother-in-law, and the mound of
paperwork that one has to bring back
home from work.

And on the shelf the other cards with
their well-wishes, family faces
peering into them, only have one job to do
and that is to stand behind 'wonder woman'
like the heads of customers in a sale
and push her further into the future of
a   40th   birthday   memory.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fremantle Community writers from OOTA (Out of the Asylum Inc. ) will be at the Perth Writers Festival
on both days, Friday 21st February, and Saturday 22nd February. We will be in the REMIDA tent; and you will find it marked on the map that is a link below. The tent is adjacent to the entrance of the Romeo Tent on a triangular section of the lawn and sits beside the FIBRANT tent.

The Festival is also providing 20 chairs and 8 x trestle tables inside this venue for our use. So please come along, we would appreciate a quick hello or a spell for a quick break for lunch or bookshop buying.   
Hope to see you there! Click on the link for the PWF Map HERE

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014


像剛出爐的迷你派 在風中凍結

這隻小蟹蛛 牠在幹甚麼呢?

李白(西元 720年)寫到

Resident Spider 

As rumpled as a character in Dao,
I find this little crab spider
every morning behind the tea canister
or on the leftover dishes. Sometimes,
he appears as a dot of fluff, so that
when I wipe him up
he breaks through my grip
between fear and sponge.

I am in awe of this mini creature
who naps on the window sill
under a slip of shadow and sun.
He has a larder of food in the
crevices of sliding glass,
flies spinning a half death,
midgees waiting in line
like miniature pies baking to cool.
His other food scraps are the
bugs I breed in the compost.
Hundreds of them fly low
over the lettuce, capsicum seeds
banana skins & pot ash.
He’s caught some of them
trying to escape.

At night, I am lost in the covers
of books & thought.
And the mini-spider what does he do?

Li Po (701-762 CE) writes
of mountains & the moon as our companions.
Perhaps he added “crab spider”
to his other mystic thoughts,
as one who lives in the other world,
that no one owns.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Prose Poetry

The Five Lives of Ms Bennett

The Five Lives of Ms Bennett
A Family Saga

The Ozone Cafe

The Ozone Cafe
White Collar Crime

The Last Asbestos Town

The Last Asbestos Town
Available from Amazon


Published by Australian Poetry Centre, Melbourne

of Arc & Shadow

of Arc & Shadow
Published by Sunline Press, WA

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MBA (Wrtg) ECowan

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Helen Hagemann holds an MA in Writing from Edith Cowan University, has three poetry books: Evangelyne & Other Poems published by Australian Poetry, Melbourne (2009) and of Arc & Shadow published by Sunline Press, Perth (2013). Bounty: prose poetry is published by Publishing in 2024. She has three novels published The Last Asbestos Town (2020), The Ozone Café (2021) and The Five Lives of Ms Bennett a result of her Masters degree at ECU (2006), is published by Publishing (2023).

Helen Hagemann MBA (Wrtg): ECowan

Helen Hagemann MBA (Wrtg): ECowan
Author & Poet


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